3 kind data modeling

 conceptual data modeling / OBDM (Object Based Data Model)

example of OBDM

The main purpose of this model is to construct entities, their attributes, and their relationships. At the data modeling level, almost no detail is available of the actual database structure.

The 3 basic elements of this model are

  •     Entity: the name of a data set
  •     Attributes: characteristics or properties of an entity
  •     Relationship: A relation or relationship between two entities

As an example:

  • Customers and Products are two entities. The number and name of the customer are attributes of the customer entity
  • Product name and price are attributes of the product entity
  • Sales is the relationship between the customer entity and the product entity

Characteristics of this data modeling:

  • offers coverage of business concepts across the organization.
  • This type of data model is designed and developed for users.
  • This model is developed independently of hardware specifications such as data storage capacity, location or software. The focus of this model is to represent data that users will see later

Logic data modeling / RBDM (Record Based Data Model)

Logical data models are used to add information to the elements of the conceptual model. This model is used to define the structure of a data element and manage the relationships between them.

The advantage of this type of data modeling model is to provide a benchmark for the formation of a physical model.

the characteristic of this modeling is that no primary or secondary key is specified. At this level you only need to verify and adjust the standard connector details for the connection.

Characteristics of a logical data model

  • describes in detail the data requirements for a single project, but can be integrated with logical and other data models based on project scope.
  • Designed and developed independently from the DBMS.
  • The data attribute will have a data type with the correct length and precision.

physical data modeling / PBDM (Physical Based Data Model)

PBDM example

physical data modeling describes a specific implementation of the data model with the database. Offers an abstraction from the database and helps you generate schemas. This is because of the richness of meta-data offered by the Physical Data Model.

This type of data model also helps to visualize the database structure. This helps us to create a column model, constraints, indexes, triggers, and other RDBMS features.

Physical data model characteristics:

  • The Physical Data Model describes the data requirements for a single project or application even though it may be integrated with other physical data models based on the scope of the project.
  • The data model discusses the relationship between the tables and the cardinality nullability of the relationship.
  • Developed for a specific DBMS version, location, or data storage technology to be used in the project.
  • Fields must have the correct data type, set length and default value.
  • Primary and foreign keys, views, indexes, access profiles, and authorizations, etc. Specified.

those are some of the things anaktik.com can say about the meaning of feature data modeling, types, techniques. hopefully useful, and see you in the next article


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